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1,213 lines
COLLECT - Version 1.05
MEDshare #1 - Version 1.08
DENTAL#1 - Version 1.05
Copyright 1991 - 1996
All Rights Reserved
MEDshare, Inc.
4100 West 15th, Suite #103
Plano, Texas 75093
Sales and general information: 1-800-233-0560
Dallas, Texas..........: 214-985-0759
Technical Support............: 1-214-736-1067
Fax..........................: 1-214-736-1068
Page 1
COLLECT - Version 1.05 is an enhanced Accounts Receivable
sub-system designed to work with MEDshare#1 - Ver. 1.08
and DENTAL#1 - Ver. 1.05. While MEDshare#1 has an
integrated and fully functional accounts receivable
support system the features provided in COLLECT greatly
improve your control over your receivables. COLLECT was
designed specifically as a working sub-system for an
individual whose primary function is to post financial
information to patient ledgers AFTER TIME OF PATIENT
VISIT. Most of these transactions will be received by
mail and require the operator to locate both the patient
and the charges that these transactions (receipts and
adjustments) are to be applied against. Receipts and
adjustments from insurance carriers will in most cases
require assignment of unpaid insurance liability to the
patient for patient payment. Adjustments may also be
required to reduce the original charge amount to a 'MAX
BILLABLE' amount which in turn will force a 'WRITE OFF'
of the difference. This 'WRITE OFF' cannot be billed to
the patient and is a direct reduction in accounts
receivable. COLLECT - Ver. 1.05 provides you with the
screens necessary to locate, identify, and post this
receipt and adjustment information and to adjust
individual line item charges to reflect the EOB
adjustments required by the insurance carriers. All
reports from COLLECT are designed to provide greater
visibility of financial liability status for both the
insurance carriers and the patients.
In order to facilitate the accessibility of COLLECT from
MEDshare#1 - Ver. 1.08 and DENTAL#1 - Ver. 1.05 the
MASTER MENU of these systems allow the operator to
directly call up COLLECT without having to EXIT to DOS.
Due to the value of the POSTING function of COLLECT this
function is 100% usable even in the UN-REGISTERED usage
of COLLECT. From this POSTING function patient ledgers
can be maintained with the shifting of liability and
posting of receipts and adjustments. These postings are
made directly to the transaction files of MEDshare#1 and
DENTAL#1. All of the other features of COLLECT will be
limited to the first 100 patients processed by the
'MASTER AGING' until it is properly registered.
You are encouraged to install COLLECT and use its POSTING
function. Even if you don't register your usage of
COLLECT you will find value in using its POSTING
function. This POSTING function is the heart of the
COLLECT system. Using this POSTING function you will
find that the posting of receipts and adjustments will be
Page 2
much easier and your patient ledgers will be easier to
keep up to date.
Install collect and use it to post all receipts and
adjustments after time of patient visit. You will find
it to be a valuable addition to your MEDshare#1 or
DENTAL#1 system.
Page 3
Introduction........................................ 1
Index............................................... 3
Installation........................................ 6
System Initialization............................... 8
First time (A MUST DO).............................. 9
Aging of Receivables................................ 10
Processing by Account.......................... 10
Processing by Patient.......................... 10
Aging by Date.................................. 10
Aging by Invoice............................... 11
Using COLLECT....................................... 12
In 'UN-REGISTERED' mode........................ 12
In 'REGISTERED' mode........................... 12
Printing / Viewing reports.......................... 14
COLLECT............................................. 16
'SIGN ON' screen............................... 16
DATE check................................ 16
MEMORY check.............................. 16
'F1' help................................. 17
MASTER MENU.................................... 18
POST RECEIPTS & ADJUSTMENTS.................... 19
Patient select............................ 20
'F2' search.......................... 20
Post adjustments..................... 20
Write-offs...................... 20
Shift liability................. 20
EOB code usage.................. 20
Scroll up/down....................... 21
Delete receipt/adjustment............ 21
'X' Special edit function............ 21
Receipts & adjustment posting........ 22
Insurance receipts & adjustments 23
Patient receipts & adjustments.. 24
Ledger............................... 25
Ledger display.................. 25
Ledger print.................... 25
Page 4
Bill Insurance....................... 26
Notes................................ 26
EOB codes............................ 27
Maintenance..................... 27
Add new.................... 27
Change..................... 27
Delete..................... 28
Accounts Receivable Aging...................... 29
Master Aging.............................. 29
Select by Account.................... 29
Select by Patient.................... 29
Age by Date.......................... 30
Age by Invoice....................... 30
Selective Aging Reports................... 30
If 'Select by Account' Master Aging.. 30
By I.D.......................... 30
By Last Name.................... 30
If 'Select by Patient' Master Aging.. 31
By I.D. ........................ 31
By Last Name.................... 31
By Code Patient Grouping........ 31
By Billing cycle................ 31
By Doctor....................... 31
By Table........................ 31
By Primary Insurance carrier.... 31
By Secondary Insurance carrier.. 31
By Employer..................... 32
List Receivables For................. 32
Current Statement date............... 32
Prior Statement date................. 32
Total Aged Liability
Only Insurance Liability........ 32
Only Patient Liability.......... 33
Total Liability................. 33
Statements..................................... 34
View Pending.............................. 34
Print Statement Y/N.................. 35
Print Statements.......................... 36
List transactions.................... 36